Friday, August 12, 2022

Benefits of Being Able to Disable Your Employee's Apps

Are you interested in having the ability to disable employee apps? You're not alone! While it might seem like overkill or micromanaging, app management has many perks. Here are just a few.

More Productivity

The most obvious perk is a boost in productivity. Let's face it: There are countless ways for your team to get distracted on the job. They can waste time on social media, fiddle with apps, and more. Having the ability to disable apps can do a lot to end time-wasting.

That doesn't mean you need to lay down the hammer and micromanage every second of your team's time. However, it can help you create workday policies that prohibit using certain apps. Disabling some big time-wasters can make a huge difference, letting your team reach a new level of work output.

Better Security

If your employees rely on apps to do their job, having mobile app management is paramount! Those apps likely have some integrations into your company's broader tech stack. They might provide access to private servers, cloud storage, and other sensitive systems.

If an employee quits or gets let go, there's an immediate security risk. Sure, you can take away devices. But what's stopping that employee from logging in elsewhere?

Disabling the app entirely saves you a slew of potential headaches. It makes your operations more secure across the board, helping you avoid a security nightmare!

Easier Offboarding

This benefit is similar to the last. However, it focuses more on strategic offboarding. The offboarding process can be a logistical nightmare. Companies are more connected than ever, and some workforces are working remotely, making the traditional offboarding process even more challenging.

Having mobile app management is a game-changer. You can manage access, wipe devices remotely, and eliminate all traces of a former employee's presence. You can move on to onboarding the replacement without missing a beat.

As you can see, having the power to disable apps is more than control. It can benefit your company in many ways, making you more productive and secure than ever.

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How to Encrypt Your Employees' Work Computer Hard Drives

Cybersecurity threats are all too real in the modern digital era. Cybercriminals are getting smarter with every passing year. While technology continues to improve and we're getting new ways to keep sensitive information safe, the risks remain.

Don't think it could affect your business? Look at the high-profile security breaches that have affected huge brands in recent years. If it can happen to them, it can certainly happen to you!

One of the best ways to keep your systems secure is to take advantage of end-to-end encryption. But how can you do that when your employees all have their individual devices and hard drives?

What Exactly is Encryption?

Encryption is a form of cryptography that helps turn readable data into a scramble of numbers and bits. It's the baseline form of security that every business should utilize. There's a good chance you use it already when shopping online or accessing sites with sensitive personal information.

Keys help to restrict access. With end-to-end encryption, the data becomes scrambled during transit, keeping it safe from man-in-the-middle attacks and other interceptions. As long as the receiver has a key, they can access the data as usual. But everyone else cannot.

Integrated Encryption Tools

Using built-in tools is the easiest way to encrypt your employees' work computers. Both Windows and Mac computers have encryption tools. They allow you to encrypt the hard drives of the device and any external storage your team might use.

While convenient, this doesn't offer much in the way of control. If you want to encrypt devices remotely from one place, you'll need MDM software.

Using MDM Software

MDM stands for mobile device management. It's a must-have if your team receives a device during onboarding. With an MDM platform, you can encrypt hard drives, enable multi-factor authentication, wipe storage on lost or stolen devices, and more.

Cybersecurity threats are an ever-present concern, and you should take steps to keep your bottom line safe. Encryptions can provide the peace of mind you need, and management software ensures that every device remains secure.

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